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Treating Neck Pain in Tualatin

Treating Neck Pain in Tualatin

Your chiropractor doesn't take a one-size-fits-all or band-aid approach to treatment. Instead, they take the time to find the root cause of your symptoms. Treating the underlying cause not just the symptoms will provide faster relief and longer-lasting results.

What Causes Neck Pain?

Neck pain is often caused by:

  • Accidents/injuries
  • Pinched nerves
  • Whiplash
  • Poor posture
  • Herniated cervical (neck) disc
  • Wear and tear

Symptoms of neck pain include:

  • Neck stiffness
  • Tingling in the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands
  • Burning sensation
  • Dull ache
  • Headaches
  • Restricted range of motion

If you've sustained a serious neck injury, such as whiplash, you can experience several other seemingly unrelated symptoms, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Irritability

How Neck Pain Can Impact Your Life

Chronic pain of any kind can adversely impact your day-to-day life. However, a sore neck can cause pain in your upper extremities, as well as your head. The result is difficulty carrying out basic activities, such as lifting items, doing household chores, even typing.

Additionally, chronic headaches caused by neck pain can lead to an inability to concentrate. Focusing on work or school projects can seem impossible. And if the neck pain worsens and causes migraines, you unable to function at all.

Can a Tualatin Chiropractor Treat Neck Pain?

Dr. Daniel Lujan D.C. and Joshua Pettigrew D.C. have a combined 20 years of chiropractic experience. From firsthand experiences with pain, their heart goes out to anyone suffering from neck pain. In fact, it's their understanding and compassion that inspired their career in chiropractic care.

How can they help ease your neck pain? They offer a multi-tiered approach to relieve your pain.

Chiropractic Treatment Options for Neck Pain

Prolonged sitting, poor posture, and injuries can lead to muscle tension and spinal misalignment. Your Tualatin chiropractor can restore proper alignment with chiropractic adjustments. Using gentle motion and pressure, they can relieve pressure and put the body back into ideal alignment.

In addition to adjustments, your chiropractor may recommend adjunct services, such as massage therapy, stretches, and heat therapy.

Your chiropractor will determine the root cause of your pain and then recommend multiple treatments that will:

  • Ease pain
  • Restore range of motion
  • Increase flexibility
  • Reduce muscle tension

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Are you tired of dealing with chronic neck pain and headaches? We can help! When you visit your Tualatin chiropractor, we'll start with the diagnostic process, including reviewing your health history and conducting a physical examination. If necessary, we'll recommend someone you can get x-rays from.

Once we have all the necessary information, we'll be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Based on this, we'll create a custom treatment plan that will address your unique needs. Our goal is to get you out of pain fast and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Are you ready to say goodbye to neck pain? Contact our team today at 503-692-6568 to schedule your consultation.