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Understanding the Safety of Chiropractic Care

Written By Tree City Chiropractic on November 16, 2022

chiropractor treating a patient

It’s normal to feel a little nervous about visiting a chiropractor for the first time, but learning as much as you can about chiropractic care will ease your mind and prepare you for your first visit. Chiropractic care is safe, non-invasive, and an effective treatment option for many conditions. If you have been Googling “chiropractor near me in Tualatin,” read on to learn more about the safety of chiropractic care.

What Education, Training, and Licensing is Required to Be a Chiropractor? 

In order to be a chiropractor, one must earn a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from an accredited university, and then become certified and licensed in the state in which they practice. Most chiropractors spend 3-4 years on an undergraduate college degree, and then at least 4 years on their DC degree. Further training consists of supervised clinic hours and/or a residency or internship. 

Some chiropractors elect to continue their education further, earning postgraduate credentials or certifications, such as becoming Board Certified in a certain specialty. Chiropractors can also earn a Master’s degree in a certain specialty, such as nutrition or sport’s medicine. Chiropractors also must be licensed by the state in which they practice, and certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

What to Look for When Choosing a Chiropractor

When choosing a chiropractor, you should consider the following to ensure they meet your standards and uphold themselves to the highest level of conduct and care:

  • Verify their education, license, and certification(s)
  • Read patient testimonials
  • Make sure there haven’t been any complaints filed against them
  • Get a referral from your PCP or a friend
  • Ask them about their experience and specialties
  • Visit their office and see how comfortable you feel there

What to Expect at Your First Visit with Dr. Lujan

At your first visit, Dr. Lujan or Dr. Pettigrew will get to know you, including your medical history, current and past medications, surgeries, and illnesses, your health concerns, your diet, and your lifestyle. He will discuss your concerns and the reason for your visit. You will fill out paperwork, and Dr. Lujan or Dr. Pettigrew will perform a physical examination. He may also take blood or perform diagnostic testing, such as x-rays. He will then discuss a course of treatment with you, along with a timeline.

Visit Our Chiropractors in Tualatin for Safe, Effective Chiropractic Care

Our chiropractors at Tree City Chiropractic have extensive training, education, and experience in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of medical conditions. We specialize in nutritional counseling, strengthening exercises, and individualized vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and we can also treat stress, chronic pain, insomnia, and more.

To learn more, call our office to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Chiropractic